写作 ,定义为 的多项式展开式中, 项的系数,因此一定是非负整数。 (n > k)
理解:从 n 个里面选,k 个为一组,剩下为一组,内部排列
- Definition:
- α → β is a trivial functional dependency (i.e., β ⊆ α).
- α is a superkey for schema R.
Decomposing schemas that are not in BCNF
- (α ∪ β)
- (R − (β − α))
- In the case of in dep above, α = dept name, β = {building, budget}, and in_dep is replaced by
- (α ∪ β) = (dept name, building,budget)
- (R − (β − α)) = (ID, name, dept name, salary)