trait defines functionality a particular type has and can share with other types. We can use traits to define shared behavior in an abstract way.

Data types can implement traits. To do so, the methods making up the trait are defined for the data type. For example, the String data type implements the From<&str> trait. This allows a user to write String::from("hello").

In this way, traits are somewhat similar to Java interfaces and C++ abstract classes.

Some additional common Rust traits include:

  • Clone (the clone method)
  • Display (which allows formatted display via {})
  • Debug (which allows formatted display via {:?})

Because traits indicate shared behavior between data types, they are useful when writing generics.

Traits as Parameters

// with trait bound
fn compare_license_types<T: Licensed, U: Licensed>(software: T, software_two: U) -> bool
// without trait bound
fn compare_license_types(software: impl Licensed, software_two: impl Licensed) -> bool
// Multiple trait bound using +
fn some_func(item: impl SomeTrait + OtherTrait) -> bool 
// or use where T: SomeTrait + OtherTrait

Returning Types that Implement Traits

fn returns_summarizable() -> impl Summary {
    Tweet {
        username: String::from("horse_ebooks"),
        content: String::from(
            "of course, as you probably already know, people",
        reply: false,
        retweet: false,



  • Error in std::error - Rust
    The Error trait is a trait in Rust that represents the basic expectations for error values, i.e., values of type E in Result<T, E>.
    Errors must describe themselves through the Display and Debug traits


  • PartialEq in std::cmp - Rust
  • x.eq(y) can also be written x == y, and can be written x != y.
  • a != b if and only if !(a == b).


  • ToOwned in alloc::borrow - Rust
    Clone works only for going from &T to T. The ToOwned trait generalizes Clone to construct owned data from any borrow of a given type.






