DHCP 中转服务器
查找 DHCP 服务器并取得联系获得参数


  • BOOTP在工作前需要在服务器上配置相关主机的参数数据, 它虽能满足固定小区域移动接入网络要求,但无法满足不固定IP配置的用户。


When your laptop first tries to connect to the network, it sends a DHCPDISCOVER packet to the broadcast address ( over UDP to port 67, the DHCP server port. In response to the DHCPDISCOVER packet, the DHCP server sends a DHCPOFFER response back to the client on port 68. If the offer is accepted, the client sends a DHCPREQUEST back to the server notifying it that it wants that particular IP address. Finally, if all’s well, the server replies with an acknowledgment packet, DHCPACK.

68                                   67
Client --> [DHCPDISCOVER packet] --> Server

Client <-- [DHCPOFFER packet] <-- Server

Client --> [DHCPREQUEST packet] --> Server

Client <-- [DHCPACK packet] <-- Server