Veni, vidi, vici


  • Twitter

我摆脱了我不需要的东西/工作/人际关系… 等等,那么,我应该用什么来代替它呢?用什么来填补它留下的空白呢?

  • 瞬间记忆

启蒙运动就是人类脱离自己所加之于自己的不成熟状态。不成熟状态就是不经别人的引导,就对运用自己的理智无能为力。当其原因不在于缺乏理智,而在于不经别人的引导就缺乏勇气与决心去加以运用时,那么这种不成熟就是自己所加之于自己的了。Sapere aude!要有勇气运用你自己的理智!这就是启蒙运动的口号。

  • 康德

If I ever get to redesign keyboards I will put U and I together

Details may vary, but the concepts are the same.

the people in front of me only consumed content created within the last 24 hours.
No exceptions.
I succumb to the same impulse. Chances are, so do you.


  • 汉娜·阿伦特

C++ implementations obey the zero-overhead principle: What you don’t use, you don’t pay for. And further: What you do use, you couldn’t hand code any better.

  • Bjarne Stroustrup

To appreciate this beauty, one has to be willing to expend a certain amount of mental energy. But the end result is well worth the effort. Our goal in this book is to understand and appreciate some truly beautiful mathematics, to learn how this mathematics was discovered and proved, and maybe even to make some original contributions of our own.

  • A friendly introduction to number theory (Silverman, Joseph H)

好资料,坏资料。好资料的特点:从问题出发;重点介绍方法背后的理念( rationale ),注重直观解释,而不是方法的技术细节;按照方法被发明的时间流程来介绍(先是遇到了什么什么问题,然后怎样分析,推理,最后发现目前所使用的方法)。坏资料的特点是好资料的反面:上来就讲方法细节,仿佛某方法是从天上掉下来的,他们往往这样写“我们定义… 我们称… 我们进行以下几个步骤… ”。根本不讲为什么要用这个方法,人们最初是因为面对什么问题才想到这个方法的,其间又是怎样才想出了这么个方法的,方法背后的直观思想又是什么。实际上一个方法如果将其最终最简洁的形式直接表达出来往往丢失掉了绝大多数信息,这个丢掉的信息就是问题解决背后的思维过程。至于为什么大多数书做不到这一点,我在这里试着分析过。

按照 Dijkstra 的说法,“软件工程”是穷途末路的领域,因为它的目标是:如果我不会写程序的话,怎么样才能写出程序?

Three passions,simple but overwhelmingly strong,have governed my life:the longing for love,the search for knowledge,and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.

  • 《我为什么而活着》罗素 (哲学家 数学家 思想家)

读书未必有成, 因之也未必有用, 但我以为这总是人间最好的东西, 值得用最热切的感情去爱。

  • 谷林 (1992 年 4 月 26 日致扬之水信)


  • 《当下的启蒙》

How do you learn something? No-one came into this world knowing PHP OOP and design patterns, so all of you at some point had to learn it, at college, an answer here, etc. Don’t talk about someone “dared not to already know complex code procedures”, and instead consider they are here wanting to learn it, which is a good thing & the point of this site. Use your time helping them, as I’m sure you’ve been helped in the past. If throughout the history of man, instead of sharing knowledge, the response was “What? ha! you don’t know that?..” we’d all still be in the dark ages..


  • 《思维的发现》

大多数人在 20 到 30 岁就已经过完自己的一生; 一过了这个年龄段,他们就变成自己的影子,以后的生命只是在不断重复自己..

  • 罗曼·罗兰 在 《约翰·克里斯朵夫》

你要看一个国家的文明,只需考察三件事—— 第一,看他们怎样待小孩子; 第二,看他们怎样待女人; 第三,看他们怎样利用闲暇的时间。

  • 胡适

你的时间有限,所以不要浪费时间去重复别人的生活! Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is.

  • Internet

In the human world, I’m currently single, but in the music world, I’m in a open relationship with this beautiful guitar. Open relationship because I sometimes cheat on her with the acoustic.

The amount of sleep that you get has a larger impact on your effectiveness than the programming language you use.

Be prepared to throw away something you’ve done in order to do something different.